Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday Night is Family Night

In the busyness of life, family time can sometimes take a backseat. Alice and I are tired of this happening. We've decided to block out one evening per week that will be reserved for family time. Thursday night has become family night. Of course, we hope to spend much more time together than just one evening per week, but we want to make sure to set aside that night on our schedule.

We plan to normally just hang out, play games, and/or watch a movie. Last night most of us watched Penelope, a comedy-drama about a girl who is cursed with a pig nose.

Caroline, who had already seen Penelope, watched Zathura instead. It's a fun movie about kids who play a board game that sends them into a series of outer space adventures.

Our goal on most of these nights is going to be to simply have fun together as a family. Movies will be the exception, with game-playing being the norm.

This will in no way take away from our family worship time, which we have now moved to the mornings after breakfast. Today we began studying the book of John. It was a thrill to teach our kids through John 1:1-5. What a wonderful privilege!

Let me encourage you to spend time, both structured and informal, with your kids. If need be, reserve time for it.

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