The people of the church were nice enough to put my name on the sign. I felt a bit embarrassed by all the attention, but I'll admit that it was nice.

The front of the sanctuary from across the road
Older sections of the church - Sunday school rooms and a small chapel

The front of the small chapel

Looking at the pulpit from the back of the sanctuary
Looking out from the pulpit

One of the stained-glass windows in the sanctuary - the windows together tell the story of the life of Christ

Inside the small chapel, which is my favorite room in the church
They even gave me a study
As I said before, buildings do not matter eternally. However, this is going to be my primary place of ministry for (I hope) many years to come. As I blog in the future, I hope to discuss many glorious things that happen in the body life of this church that are much more meaningful than wood, title, bricks, and mortar.
Maybe one day you can include a picture of the church. :)
I hope we get to see you all soon.
I'm so happy to be serving alongside you at Chevis Oaks, honey!
Hope you're feeling better.
I had mixed emotions about this post because I did not want to give the wrong impression. That's also why in the first paragraph I described the buildings as the "church facility."
I couldn't agree with you more that the church is the people, not the edifices. I'm looking forward to posting LOTS of pictures of the church in action, some of the time at the facility and sometimes not.
Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow!
I love you, and also look forward to serving together. I'm so glad to know where home is now.
I immensely enjoyed being in the service this past Sunday. I trust to visit your church again when my work brings me near Savannah.
I'm glad you enjoyed the service. The people of Chevis Oaks have been so kind to us ever since I began preaching there. I thank God for the spirit of unity and friendliness that we have.
You are more than welcome to visit any time you like. I hope to see you again.
Congratulations on your new ministry. We will have to come visit some day soon. I know you will be a great leader for your church.
Looks like a really great Church facility! You will be blessed!
We would love to have you come visit the church anytime you want. We also hope to buy a home somewhere near the church within the next few months. After we get settled, we'll have your family over.
Thanks for your confidence. It's all up to God. I pray that He will do something special at Chevis Oaks.
Thanks! God really has blessed me with both a great church (the people) and a great church facility. It's amazing to look back over the last year or so. A year ago my son was recovering from cancer and I had no idea what we were supposed to do. I had never even heard of this church until February of this year.
Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!
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