Bible Centre - The reason I like this site is that it is British. Therefore, it offers different resources than we might find on American sites. The commentaries are a good place to begin.
Bible Gateway - The best aspect of this site is that you can look up bible passages in a wide variety of translations. If you are multi-lingual, you will be able to compare passages across various languages.
e-Sword - Go here to download all sorts of bible helps. I use this program all the time.
4 Truth - I find this apologetics site helpful because it offers information about arguing for the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, and it also discusses various world religions and cults.
Precept Austin - This site offers commentaries, bible dictionaries, Greek word study tools, and a large listing of Christian biographies, etc.
Song of the Lamb - If you want to begin learning the original languages or want to improve what you already know, this is a good place to go.
Study Light - This location contains various bibles, commentaries, encyclopedias, etc.
Do you know of any more sites to add to this list?
Bible Study Tools at Christianity.com! http://bible.christianity.com
They have over 20 translations a lots of commentaries, concordances, apocrypha, lexicons, and great devotionals and study guides. You can save your own "online Bible" with highlighting, notes in the margins, and a reading plan.
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
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