Saturday, March 15, 2008

25 Things I Really Like About Church

In no particular order:

Seeing and hearing our triune God worshiped as He alone deserves

Edifying other believers

Being edified by other believers

Hearing the bible read in public

Hearing the scriptures proclaimed

Hearing how God has answered prayers

Listening to old saints pray

Praying together

Celebrating the Lord's Supper

Celebrating baptisms

Hearing how God is working in the lives of others

Giving tithes and offerings

Singing great old hymns

Singing great new choruses

Listening to a choir praise the Lord in song

Seeing young children observing their parents worshiping

Seeing young children worship

Watching kids grow in the Lord

Hearing babies cry

Seeing the excitement of a new Christian

Seeing the excitement of mature Christians

Watching people use their spiritual gifts to build up the body

Listening to reports from international mission trips

Listening to reports from local mission trips

Being with other believers

What would you add to this list?


00 said...

I've got to agree with you on the whole crying babies thing. There's something about it that reminds me that church is a family...that church is for everyone, regardless of age or any other factor. Now, if a baby is wailing or freaking out for some reason, it's probably best for mom or dad to take the little one out in the foyer so they can pace and calm down a bit, but I just don't buy it that a baby crying here and there really "distracts" people from the message.

Eric said...


I agree that crying babies make church seem like a reflection of real life. This is what it should be. So many times the church service feels artificial because there are only adults there. When I get the chance to preach, I love to hear small children in the congregation.