-We were in a good hospital in South Asia when we were told the diagnosis of Lymphoma.
-We were all together as a family when we got the word.
-Our regional leader was with us when we got the word.
-Many friends rallied to our side in South Asia.
-We were able to fly home and pack up in three days.
-Over 30 new friends came to our home to pray for Bobby before we left our city.
-We were able to get tickets back to the USA within 5 days of diagnosis.
-We had a safe trip back to the USA.
-When we arrived in Savannah, we were able to take Bobby to a doctor that very day.
-Thanks to my parents, we had a van waiting for us.
-Within three days, we were talking with oncologists in Savannah.
-Our insurance covered Bobby's medical care in Savannah.
-Savannah has a very good pediatric oncology unit.
-Rothwell Baptist Church provided a house for us to live in free of charge.
-We are near my parents, and my sister and family.
-After less than three months of chemotherapy, Bobby is cancer-free!
-We have received numerous visitors, gifts, phone calls, and e-mails throughout this time.
-Many, many people have been praying for us.
-We still have a chance to go back overseas.
-We have been able to visit with Alice's family in New York, and even attended her parents' 50th wedding anniversary celebration.
-We are currently at my uncle's cabin on Seneca Lake, relaxing and relaxing.
-In a few weeks, thanks to the Make a Wish Foundation, we will be flying to San Diego, CA for a few days to go to Lego Land (Bobby's choice).
Of course, the main gift has been God's presence through all of this. God is faithful to pour out His grace when we need it most.
God exhibits His grace in the most unexpected places, doesn't He? And they are places we would never have chosen to go.
It's a good thing those choices are not in our hands, but His.
Thanks for your comment. You are so right that God's grace comes in ways and times we do not expect and would not choose. It is just another example of His ways not being our ways. His ways are always better.
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