If you find the bible quiz to be fun, click here to see what American accent you have. I think the results are at least somewhat accurate since it rated me as "Inland North." I grew up in upstate New York, so the answer is right on.
I was a bit nervous to take the quiz entitled, "Do you deserve your high school diploma?" Fortunately, I did get 100% correct. There were a few tricky questions on this one. Click here to take it.
O.K., this is the last quiz I will mention. It is basically worthless, but I enjoyed it anyway. It is called, "What should your first name be?" Mine came out as Nathan. Since that name means "gift," I'll be happy with it. Click here to find out what your name should be.
I aced the Bible and High School quizzes. But then the dumb name one said my name should be "Nathan." HUH??? I told it that I'm a female! Maybe the quiz creators need to pass some sort of intelligence assessment.
You don't seem like a Nathan to me. Maybe Natalie?
I too should have been named "Nathan." I'm guessing that that's the answer that EVERYONE gets.
I'm starting to think the name game is worth even less than I first thought. Oh well, it was fun.
Actually, my 14-year-old daughter was told that she's "Luke." So apparently there are other names available...
At least Nathan and Luke are both bible names. They could certainly have been worse, like Tyler, Devin, or Colt.
Watch out, there. Don't we have a good friend named Devin?
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